St Francis Selsdon


St Francis Food Stop

The Food Stop is a community food-sharing membership scheme whereby for £4 per week, you can buy approximately £20 worth of food, toiletries and household essentials.

As St Francis Church Selsdon, we are very grateful to Fareshare, Phoenix Project, Co-op Forestdale, Waitrose Sanderstead/Purley, Food Hub and many wonderful individuals who regularly support us with in-date food and household items.

If you are able to donate, please phone Michelle on 02086577864 ( to find out more, email us at: or drop off items on a Thursday morning at the Light House.

Food Stop particularly needs jars of coffee, tea bags, tinned (tomatoes, fish, kidney beans and curries), jars of jam, washing powders/capsules (bio or non-bio), toilet rolls and toothpaste.

Welcome Lunch

Come and enjoy a home cooked meal every Wednesday from 11am to 1:30pm, free of charge. Menu ranges from shepherd’s pie to chicken curry, with home-cooked vegetarian option as well – there’s something for everyone! You’re also guaranteed a warm and friendly welcome.

WARM are our values:

  1. W – Welcome: A warm and welcoming place that offers refreshments, a listening ear and local information.
  2. A – Accessible: A safe space that is open to everyone whatever their circumstances or situation.
  3. R – Relationships: A nurturing place where people can form new friendships, a place to grow and flourish.
  4. M – Mutuality: Recognising that each person brings experiences, knowledge, and skills that they may like to share to enrich their local community

Men's Shed

The Men’s Shed is a “repair shop” initiative ( designed to reach men, particularly those who don’t like coming to coffee mornings, etc. We are planning to do several things in our Men’s Shed – repairing household items, and learning new skills with qualified teachers – for example, plumbing or electrical work (see Electrical Class details below).

The shed is based at Lighthouse – St Francis Church. If you would like some more information, please see below:

Call: 0208 657 7864   Email:

Monks Hill Football Academy

Learn some new skills and take part in 5 aside competitions – all coached by an FA qualified coach from Kick London.

Sessions are free.

Every Sunday afternoon, 2.30-4.00pm at Quest Academy (click on the link below for location):

Sports field >>

Age 10+ only. For more details please contact our youth worker, Michael on 07738 454729 or

Monks Hill Youth Club

Come and have fun with your friends, learn new skills, go on trips out, learn to put on charity events, play on the Playstation, Xbox, and Wii, crafts, games, challenges, table tennis, pool or just chill out with friends.

Every Thursday, 6.30-8.00pm, at St Francis Church, Ages 11-16 yrs.

For more details please contact our youth worker, Michael on 07738 454729 or

Co-Op are supporting our youth work – if you are a member why not donate your rewards to our project. Even if you’re not a member, it’s easy to sign up or donate –